I don't really know whether writers, like musicians are allowed to free style. As in, whether they can be granted an audience writing about anything that comes to head albeit inconsistent with an earlier paragraph.
I would have loved to be able to 'test microphone ooo' like Terry G and still yet maintain a reading audience. But I doubt if such ink testing would thrill the brain to continue its cognitive process.
The brain actually would boycott an unintelligible piece with enough vexation it resents the sight of such articles eternally. Just like when Faze came up with 'Originality'. Name-dropping of some creative Nigerians (Nnamdi Azikiwe and Ojukwu not mentioned) and concluding that one day 'Una go hala my name, Faze!" His music has gone from weakness to weakness ever since. Maybe our brains angrily reacted to a call by Faze to watch out. Statistics doubt whether his name would ever be 'halaad'. Who knows?
So I still wonder whether an inconsistent write up would be consistently followed till its very end. Can something actually be permanent. Mr Buhari didn't have to utter a word to that effect. He just resigned the permanent secretaries. Nothing is permanent.
Anyway, what do I have to say? I'm tired of promises. Especially when they come from politicians. For every month I check my bank alerts to see if 5000 naira was paid in by the federal govt. Nothing. But the government promised this token for we, the unemployed graduates? Yes I fit into the category of the unemployed for I had to employ myself with no loans from the government.
How then would the ministry be moved to the permanent site? PDP said continuity, APC declared CHANGE. so we voted for change, or so did Prof Jega tell us. Of course Mr Orubebe protested and so did some people in front of their televisions. But we had to settle for CHANGE.Though the only change i still see everyday is my balance from bus conductors whenever I alight from a bus. Sham!
So where are we headed? Majek Fashek told us in his song that 'we are marching to the promise land'. Promise land he continued, is not America, not Asia, not Europe but a state of mind. America and Europe are definitely not the promised land, for all that are promised in these continents are freedom of irrational behaviours and politics without God. Asia, too many bloodshed. Africa, my Africa. Anyway, Majek is slowly getting back to his own promised land though it is taking him almost what it took the Israelites.
Don't even know why I disturb my little brain in all these. What really matters? Paris is more of a priority than black west Africa, Nigeria. The male reporter from Phoenix said it to our hearing on CNN. You didn't hear him? Boko Haram kills, yes but that is not America's priority. Then a Parisian whom I remembered in my prayers said blacks change their Facebook profile pictures just to get visa in France. What about those who prayed? That the god of France would be merciful to them too? Chai!!!!! Amadioha can be more effective, young lady. Anyway, as my brother Obie Lawrence said "it is human for one to be a racist. It is human also not to be. So what kind of human do you want to be?".
I think most important today, is to wish you all the best life can offer. Be courageous, be determined, be bold, be smart and above all, don't just be human, be humane!!!!!!!