Thursday 10 December 2015


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Somebody shout Alleluia!!!!!!! Amen Somebody!!!!!!!!
Of course, he was not talking to only somebody but to all of us. So we all shouted the required response. The pentecostalic mood in the gathering continued to rise; "Everybody on your feet" we did. "Make a joyful noise onto the Lord". Then the sounds started coming out, reminiscent of the sounds and cries of witches and wizards in AM movies: "ooooo, oooo, hoooo, huuu, miuuuuu, hahhhahah, oooo". I shook my head for I immediately realized that this was no ordinary Sunday. There would be a special 'holy business' before the end.
The preacher was very vibrant. I love his style just that I knew where he was driving at. But no issues, after all, the multi-purpose hall has to be completed. His understanding of the Bible's thanksgiving verses was overwhemly remarkable.
Then he came to that part of person-to-person interaction in the church. "Touch your neighbour and say, "IT SHALL BE WELL" I looked to my right, but my neighbour was a married woman who had already turned to her husband besides her to bring the WELLNESS in the pastor's message to their very own family. To my left, I met my neighbour, a haggard looking old man, sleeping. Respect for elders like my parents taught me, so I didn't need to disturb his sleep. I just wished him well. But the preacher wouldn't stop. For every two sentences he made, he would require us to touch our neighbour or someone besides us and speak. The couple beside me kept sharing the grace together. I became tired of the "touch and speak" style of preaching and stopped responding.
One thing led to another, and the pastor told us a story of Julius Caesar and how his best friend Brutus stabbed him at his back (et tu Brute!!!!!). Again, he asked us to "turn to the person BESIDE you and say, WATCH YOUR BACK". He then hit me with what I believed was his middle finger and with a little bit of arrogance, the young man said: WATCH YOUR BACK.
Frustrated by the fact that:
1. The "touch and speak" style of preaching was getting boring
2. I have unwilling neighbours
3. The young man's arrogance and inability to differentiate between BESIDE and IN FRONT
I quickly replied him: "Oga, na u dey my back. So if anything happens, I know who to hold responsible".
His neighbours laughed and laughed with one of them telling him: "O boy, na u find trouble oo. Pastor said, touch someone beside you and you are touching someone in front of you".
Then my old and hitherto sleeping neighbour turned to the young man and concluded: "you heard him right". Then he turned again and went back to his sleep, nay meditation.
Then pastor again said...........

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