Wednesday 14 September 2016


Image result for big african head tie
Traditions have reasons. And a reasonable tradition here might be very unreasonable there. A reasonable tradition today might become unreasonable tomorrow. And for some traditions, they change constantly in the same time and place.

I sat behind her in the church. But it was only her I could see throughout the entire celebration. Every religion practices the covering of hair by women. So the woman in front of me was in obedience to the tradition of head covering. And she obeyed the law to the letter. But her overt obedience was almost at my own detriment. 

I tried too hard to see the altar and the officiating priest. I couldn't see clearly the designs on the altar. But anyway, faith cometh from hearing not by seeing. So I kept listening.

But when the priest started pouring out blessings, I couldn't really see the directions at which the blessings were thrown so I could leap for a catch. If blessings are physically thrown, the woman's scarf would have taken all that belonged to me. But again, blessings are intangible and permeates through fabrics.

My point: I really do not see the importance of women wearing scarf in the places of worship. Maybe it had a real reason in the past, but just like so many old traditions, it may have lost its application.
African women already have so many attachments on their hair. No need for head tie.

photo credit:

1 comment:

  1. I leave that argument for you for it is an ongoing debate- What should Women wear to Church!
