Wednesday 24 August 2016


I have been an active facebooker for a while now. Writing has always been my best hobby. So I tried to scribble words down hoping they help someone out there who is lost, confused or just trying to be better.

I thank God that some of those posts have really helped in one way or the other. The likes (both seen and unseen) and comments they do generate a times are a testament to that. 

But lately, I noticed something out of the ordinary with my posts. My last two posts especially.
The likes, reactions and comments are exceeding and full of wishes. So I decided to check them out again today.
When I opened my Facebook account the reality hit me; pictures really pass more info than written words. But MORE, PRE-WEDDING PICTURES generate waves. Congratulations flying in. "I will be there live" also competing. Some went further; "Ben you are the man". And I wonder, i have always seen myself as a man right before I even turned eighteen. So my desire to love and sire a son with a queen would confirm my manliness???

Thank you all for all the wishes.

So a certain Ben holds a feast on 8th of October
And he will lay a festive table
And he will wear a wedding gown
He has sent in invitations to his neighbors far and wide. Friends and families far and near.
Be certain not to say: I CANNOT COME.

God bless us all


  1. If you still hold that dot of fear in your mind, then allow me to complete the song and use it as excuses.

    Of which it won't happen. So cast if off your mind.
