Friday 12 August 2016


The easiest and commonest prophecy from 'men of God' these days is "SOMEONE/SOME PEOPLE ARE AFTER YOU."

Here in Nigeria, everyone believes someone is either stopping their progress or is envying their success. When business ventures fail, an enemy is involved. When examinations are failed, an enemy made sure of that. When marriage seems not forthcoming, spiritual husbands are seriously at work. Even a fatal accident on account of recklessness or bad roads has something to do with evil machinations from the village.
So, the 'men of God' would easily tell you that someone is after you. Someone is trying to frustrate you. Someone is trying to impede your progress. And of course, you would immediately start seeing enemies everywhere. Your father becomes a monster. Your mum becomes a witch. Your friends become 'evil-wishers'. And only you and your pastor are the just, righteous and the upright.

Let us all wake up and stop letting deceitful men take control of our lives. There are actually evil-wishers but most times, that is all they can do- WISH YOU EVIL. But wishes are not horses so beggars won't ride. Your progress in life therefore lies between you and your God. Stop waging an unreasonable war that only dissipate your energy for the day's work ahead. Nobody is truly fighting you except yourself. Be with thy God and WHO CAN STAND AGAINST THEE????

And even when it seems that people are actually against you. Don't spend much time on verbal prayers and crusades. No, work harder and smarter, for it is said that TO WORK IS TO PRAY (laborare est orare).
God gave us 24 hours in a day, greater part of which is illuminated by sun so we can see clearly and then pray by working. The rest, dimmed to an extent, that you may pray verbally and sleep.

Jesus Christ spent only 40 days praying and fasting. And three years for the working.

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  1. I can't forget that quote which has built your philosophies:"laborare est orare". It still a living memory of you I still keep.

    But abeg, will the Pastors learn or come to know that they're the BEGGARS?

    1. smiles. we are all pastors of God. we need to realize that.

  2. U hit it well. It's a pity most people put their lives in hands of so called pastors. For me it's nothing but being not far from some psychological disorder
